Thursday, September 17, 2009


I haven't recorded anything in a while, I felt maybe it was time. Several months have gone by and much has happened. The gap in my communiques was due to a variety of reasons which I don't feel are necessary to this record.

After a break down in communications I left Ghost Festival and contacted an old CEO who'd extended an invitation to me some time ago, suffice it to say he seemed more than happy to re-admit me to the ranks of Beyond Divinity Inc.

This is where I am now, roaming the spacelanes, destroying anything and everything in my path, free to act how I want to, not bound by petty restrictions and rules that denied me my true nature, that of a pirate. I am not trying to slander Ghost Festival by any means, as an idea, it is a worthy cause, and the ideals that the pilots adhere to are well-founded and have the ability to create a deadly adversary, however, the pilots, they are a different matter entirely. If they focussed less on internal point-scoring and more on honing their abilities they could become one of the top corporations in their area, but I digress.

Freed of the restrictions that Ghost Festival laid upon me I have been able to indulge my crueler side, creating a path of shattered wrecks and floating corpses. One of the advantages of joining an older corporation is the greater age and experience of the pilots, meaning that they have access to and fly a wide variety of vessels, ranging from Frigate and Destroyer hulls all the way through to mighty Battleship class vessels, and even beyond. It is nice to have the variety once more and pilots willing to fly alongside you in such ships.

Due to the new skillset I have trained recently I have been able to better understand much of the Amarrian technology and as such I have recently acquired a Harbinger class Amarrian Battlecruiser, and I have to say it is incredible. I have long wanted to fly Amarrian ships and after purchasing a few they have rapidly become primary vessels within my fleet. Their power and tacitacal flexibility is fantastic. One of the most enjoyable ships I own is a pirate hybrid cruiser. Colloquially known as a Phantasm, it is a blend of Caldari shield technology and Amarrian weapons systems. It combines beautifully to create a fearsome ship more than capable of engaging ships equal in size and exceeding its class. If Sansha was still alive and had the ability to create a Battlecruiser class equivalent I am sure I would never, or at the very least rarely, leave the vessel, such would be its power.

The other item that has vastly increased my enjoyment in flying with old allies is not only the constant fights we are in, as well as the re-established contact with old friends, but also the ability to converse freely with pilots should they seek to slander me or the corporation as a whole. Rather than maintaining a silence and seeming to accept the vicious, or in some cases pathetic, comments I have been able to return fire with barbs of my own. It is a shame that many pilots in this age are unable to correctly employ their brains and as such end up coming out with pathetically thought out statements that either don't make sense or are so ridiculous as to be laughable.

In closing, good times and good friends combined with a plethora of targets make for an excellent life.