New pastures, the old ones have been over used, and now cast aside like a dirty whore. We seek fresh meat . . .
. . . I think we have found it. She grins ferally.
This new area has all the hallmarks of virgin territory, an active gate, belt ratters and mission runners. The foolish mortals we stalk have no idea of the carnage and bloodshed about to be unleashed upon them. We are here to wreak a whirlwind of blood and slaughter, to drink deep of the well of innocence, and after the move, we're all so very thirsty.
Although the move was necessary, I am going to have to cut down on the number of Battleships at the very least, if not the other ships as well. Luckily I was able to rely on the capital support of our armada, but I know that if I choose to leave, I will be less fortunate. 10 Battleships is a minimum of 9 jumps, depending on the class of the Battleship, it was probably a good thing thing I only took 10 in the end, despite taking all the heavy cruisers as well.
In the next 3 weeks however, the number of Heavy and Recon cruisers will likely double, or possibly treble. I have begun training the last stage of Amarrian cruiser class vessels. This, combined with my prior knowledge of Gallentean equivalents will enable me to begin tailoring these ships to my needs. Then I'm going to raise hell.
. . . I think we have found it. She grins ferally.
This new area has all the hallmarks of virgin territory, an active gate, belt ratters and mission runners. The foolish mortals we stalk have no idea of the carnage and bloodshed about to be unleashed upon them. We are here to wreak a whirlwind of blood and slaughter, to drink deep of the well of innocence, and after the move, we're all so very thirsty.
Although the move was necessary, I am going to have to cut down on the number of Battleships at the very least, if not the other ships as well. Luckily I was able to rely on the capital support of our armada, but I know that if I choose to leave, I will be less fortunate. 10 Battleships is a minimum of 9 jumps, depending on the class of the Battleship, it was probably a good thing thing I only took 10 in the end, despite taking all the heavy cruisers as well.
In the next 3 weeks however, the number of Heavy and Recon cruisers will likely double, or possibly treble. I have begun training the last stage of Amarrian cruiser class vessels. This, combined with my prior knowledge of Gallentean equivalents will enable me to begin tailoring these ships to my needs. Then I'm going to raise hell.